25 Ideas For Kids Businesses


Our world is changing and not necessarily for the better.  It is more important than ever to equip your little guys and gals with the tools they need to win economically.  Im not talking about building a billion dollar kiddy empire here, rather, instilling correct ideals into your children while they are young.  Certain principles are best learned through “living them out” in a tangible way rather than hearing Mom and Dad nag on them.  Kid businesses inevitably show your child important life lessons like these:



-Financial Responsibility

-Work Ethic

-Self Worth

-Problem Solving

Here are the top 25 kid businesses I could dig up from around the web!

Candy Machine Business

Leaf Raking Business

Snow Shoveling

Lawn Mowing

Dog Walking

Dog Washing

Poop Removal

Baby Sitting

Car Wash

Cold Beverage Dispensary (Lemonaide Stand)

Selling Arts And Crafts

Chicken Egg Delivery Business

Canning Business   (Salsa, Vegetables)

Worming Business

Kid To Kid Sale

Concession Stand Delivery

Sell Popcorn and Water at events

Weed Pulling

Gift Wrapping Services

Buy And Sell Business

Pool Cleaning

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